Fabric, gauze, Japanese paper, mirror film, construction mesh, reinforced film, cellophane, rescue blanket, PET plastic sheet, mirror, yarn, thread, ink, printing ink, batik paint, acrylic, medium, silicone, LED lamp.
2023 / Installation
repository of bonds
The personal and the social are one. Intertwined connections and individuals. Separateness is illusory. All is seen.
In my variations and experiments, I applied the overlapping of meanings on different layers.
I searched for new possibilities of working with materials and their reflection — multilayers entering each other, transparency, prints, and impressions.
Looking inside myself, I tried to fill the void in the lacunas of storage with connections of events, dreams, intuition, opinions, time, boundaries, rhythm, and mood.
The layering and permeation of my deeply personal in the public, and vice versa, I ventured to express in a mirror self-portrait by reflecting myself through the layers of events and entanglements.